This circuit board is equipped with 7 (suitable for our other products) or 8 LEDs and resistors, and our 10-pin IO connector as is found on the SPI_DIO and I2C_DIO.
Both a male and a female DIL connector are supplied separately. The female connector is useful to mount on the bottom of the board if it is plugged onto another board. The male connecotr is useful at the top when it is connected with a cable.
You have the choice for common-anode or common-cathode leds. It is easiest to chose "common cathode" as then the led will light up if the signal is high. (but if you need to debug something that goes on when the signal is low, the other variant might be appropriate).
This board is perfect to debug projects where you can't or don't want to connect the real hardware yet.
Documentation for the complete PCB
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